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Live Tech does exactly what it sounds: we tech live shows! Work is mostly done in the studio operating cameras, sound equipment, editing live and adding media on the go. We operate mostly in our studio located in the basement of Campus Center North. 


Live Tech is moving towards teching pre-recorded and feature pieces on campus. We provide camera crews and assistance to those wanting to create television shows in places other than our studio,.




The PTV Programming Department is in charge of organizing all pre-recorded shows filmed in PTV's studios. We schedule when prerecorded shows and works air on PTV.  We also assist in the editing and other production of pre-recorded shows if needed, transfer and convert files, and keep the station running beyond what Live Tech does. 



Public Relations 


The Public Relations department is responsible for maintaining the presence of PTV on the Purchase College campus. This is achieved through a variety of means, chief amongst them ensuring that the station has a consistent web presence, publishing posters, flyers, and other promotional materials, and organizing inclusive events on behalf of the station for the campus as a whole. Essentially, the Public Relations department is constantly working towards raising awareness to make sure that PTV is truly a station for the students, by the students.

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